Reconstruction (30)
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A new male nipple areolar complex design in trans men chest masculinization
A new strategy to define the inframammary fold in revision breast surgery: the Hydrangea technique
A survey of current state of organization and training in microsurgery and orthoplasty in Italy between orthopedics
Calcaneal hybrid reconstruction with femur head allograft enriched with bone marrow and ALT flap
Clostridium septicum fasciitis in a patient with occult colon malignancy: a case report and literature review
Establishment of an Italian Plastic Surgery Interest Group
Fast track surgery for breast reconstruction and refinements: a 12-year experience
First reported case of bilateral DIEP flap reconstruction following BIA-ALCL in a transgender female patient
Giant neurofibroma of the labia majora, excision with a modelling technique
Granular cell tumour of the skin
In response to: “Breast Implant Associated anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma development case in a set of dizygotic twins with Breast Implants"
Insidious space of Parona infection complicated by acute compartment syndrome of the forearm in a diabetic young patient – Case report
Long-term results in postmastectomy breast reconstruction with polyurethane-coated implants
Lympho-diep flap transfer perfused by reverse-flow thoracodorsal artery: a case report
Microsurgery for the creation of arteriovenous fistulas in patients with radial arteries diameter smaller than 1.6 mm
Microsurgical reconstruction of lower extremity in homozygosity of C677T MTHFR gene mutation: case report and review of the literature
Mucormycotic late seroma after Poland syndrome correction with implant-enhanced latissimus dorsi flap – A case report
Oculonasal synkinesis after BCC excision: a rarity in a rarity
Pressure ulcers incidence in a perioperative neurosurgical setting
Publishing models of plastic surgery journals: a cross-sectional study
Quality of information provided by artificial intelligence for assigned female at birth patients undergoing gender affirming surgery
Shoulder function assessment after FALD flap breast reconstruction: comparing ultrasound results and patients’ self perception
Single-stage earlobe reconstruction using a posterior based rhomboid flap from the neck
Stener-Like lesions: an interesting case of a Stener-like lesion of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the index finger after a proximal interphalangeal joint traumatic dislocation: clinical and radiological findings, treatment and follow up. A case report
T-inverted shaped rectus abdominis myocutaneous (Ti-RAM) flap for chest wall reconstruction
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30 Items